Τί μπορεί να κάνει η... φίλη σου η Siri;

Eνδεικτικός κατάλογος με τις φωνητικές εντολές που καταλαβαίνει

Note that I spent $12 on lunch
Note: check out that new Alicia Keys album
Find my restaurant note
Create a reading list note
Add Tom Sawyer to my reading list note

Call Jason
Call Jennifer Wright mobile
Call Susan on her work phone
Call 408 555 1212
Call home
FaceTime Lisa

Remind me to call mom
Remind me to call my mom when I get home
Remember to take an umbrella
Remind me take my medicine at 6 am tomorrow
Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here
Remind me when I leave to call Jason
Remind me to finish the report by 6

What's Apple's stock price?
What is Apple's PE ratio?
What did Yahoo close at today?
How is the Nikkei doing?
How are the markets doing?
What is the Dow at?