Τί μπορεί να κάνει η... φίλη σου η Siri;

Eνδεικτικός κατάλογος με τις φωνητικές εντολές που καταλαβαίνει

Πληροφορίες που αντλούνται μέσω του Find my Friends ή βάσει τοποθεσίας
Where's Jason?
Where is my sister?
Is my wife at home?
Where are all my friends?
Who is here?
Who is near me?

How do I get home?
Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California
Directions to my dad's work
Find coffee near me
Where is Starbucks?
Find some burger joints in Baltimore
Find a gas station within walking distance
Good Mexican restaurants around here

Tell Susan I'll be right there
Send a message to Jason Russell
Send a message to Lisa saying how about tomorrow
Tell Jennifer the show was great
Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying I'll be late
Send a message to 408 555 1212
Text Jason and Lisa where are you?
Read my new messages
Read it again
Reply that's great news
Tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes
Call her

Play The Light of the Sun
Play Trouble
Play Taking Back Sunday shuffled
Play Alicia Keys
Play some blues
Play my party mix
Shuffle my roadtrip playlist
Play / Pause / Skip